To me I feel that politicians were not always the uptight, selfish and downright cruel people that they some times are portrayed. I feel that everyone has a touch of humble beginnings. That down the line and the course of their career, they lose sight of what their duty is. Sometimes they are lucky to be reminded by an event or occurrence that takes place in their lives, sometimes they aren't so luck. Perhaps every once in awhile we need revolutions to take place. Every once in a while we need those few good men in uniform or their casuals to come out and knock us on the head with sense and responsibility.
To go an entire lifetime not making a change in someone's life is sad enough, but to not try to create a glimpse of hope to the people that yearn for change, that deserve a break in this lifetime and are dependent on the people whose voices can be heard, now that is a lifetime gone to waste. Not everyone has the right to choose how they live, some have to obey the rules and regulations for they have no other choice. People who live below the normal income level, that do not resort to violence and theft, that are humble yet generous deserve a break. Yes, I get life is tough. However, the only reason life is tough because it is us, the people with the ability to change the course of a generation do not make that first attempt to show the world what we are made off.
Napoleon once said, "The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people!"
Don't let your voice go to waste.