It isn't crucial to know all of everything but just the truth. It indeed has been a long hiatus from blogging. I turned the big 2 -1 lately, for those young readers that I doubt follow my blog, it's pretty much just another day. No more growth spurts or raging hormones of the abnormal. But I digress, lately life has thrown a lot of curve balls where moments I felt I was wearing myself thin for others and sometimes I felt I needed to let go of the "extra baggage."
What drives the human motivation derives from two sources; fear or love. Hence we tend to hurt the ones we love. For as much as we love, there is the fear of losing it, and to defend ourselves from the uncertain hurt that might be caused through love, we act on the fear. We push them away out of fear of being pushed away first. Or we react to being pushed away with anger, a manifestation of fear.
But what would happen if we changed the decision of acting out of fear to acting and reacting out of love? Granted some people may take you as a fool and take you for a ride, for you don't act of this world but of one too complex to comprehend. One where we know that ultimately love does conquer all and melts even the hardest of hearts. A world where Jesus and Buddha walked and we did not understand for we thought of this world but not of love. We persecuted and mocked them for they were not understood by us and only when the left did we see the bigger picture.They did not live in fear but in love of knowing the higher power that would be granted if we asked for serenity and hope.
So let's lve in love as much as we can, let's give without fear of receiving nothing back, for loves boasts of no reward of this Earth, but lives long after the action has been done. Forgive and give endlessly. Love unconditionally your loved ones. Give them all you have and when they hurt you; especially when they hurt you, give a bit more. For it is then that they need you most and it is then that your love must embrace hurt and vengeance and cast it away. It is then that they will know you are here to stay, not for fear or for you but for love. For as long as there is love, there will be compassion, with compassion comes forgiveness And with forgiveness comes peace. We never stop learning.
- Much Love -