Thursday, June 12, 2014

Angel A Bliss

I find reasons to look back and ponder. Thoughts escaping my mind and lips. Arms that were snaked around my waist, lips perched on mine. A smile escaping through the intimate embrace. A sigh marking the feeling of relieve that I finally sought what I found.

Take me back in time , let me see the joy in life. A child who once yearned for the playground, the sight of a new born to one who couldn't conceive. A dim light that illuminates one heart you were. Yet as suns dawn and set, nothing changes the memory of you.

I seek the shoulder that was once my confidante. I seek the embrace that fit the broken pieces together. Once more I fight back the outpour of tears and look up to the sky. Up high, where all the stars are strategically place, rests your soul, and I smile once again. Knowing up above, watching over me is my escape of mundane sanity. Watching over me is my guardian angel.

Monday, June 9, 2014

I found myself

I don't think I see myself in a world without the sanity I found after loosing you. After endless amounts of going back and forth in my mind, leafing through thoughts of all kinds. Conversations we once had and never before heard of again. Yet here I am reminiscing of what went wrong, and what didn't go right. The thoughts I had of holding you so tight are long gone. Erupting and exploding is a new found joy of holding what was once given away so easily to you, my heart.

Finding myself once again, vulnerable and accepted defeat. Only now I realise I was the one who won, for I gained my freedom from loving someone who saw me but looked straight through like I wasn't there. I found myself whilst searching for ways to redeem myself in your eyes. I found myself once again and now I'm starting a new. I found myself once again and I am letting go of you.