Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Another one bites the dust

What I do not get is why people look at you and say you keep talking about someone, or why do you keep talking about him? When a piece of you falls away from you, there is no exact time to heal or move on. People push you to move on or force you to walk away from something you held onto for so long and even though you are hurting and bleeding inside, you just have to put a band-aid on something that needs surgery to heal because you would just like to see the other person happy.

People should start to realize that sometimes it is not about whether someone is trying to move on, the fact that they are with you trying to make things work is already them trying, give them space and time to heal. You had your time you had your chance, but they do not want to take that chance to leave you to heal, because they already lost an opportunity to be with someone they really love. Be there for them when you said you would, do not give them another of those empty promises because they are trying to believe that are not a screw up or a mess, they are not an option when people are bored and they turn to them. The have feelings that are hurt, but they give even though they may not have much of their heart to give now since it is broken. Give them hope that there is someone that might see something special in  them for once and give the strength to look in the mirror and actually see that same thing.

To those who say I am not the right person for you months after dating, where the hell was your brain when you started to get to know someone? When they actually started telling you they had feelings more than a friend, where was your honesty and integrity then?? Or were you too selfish to actually lead them on and let them fall once they were soaring high? People deserve the truth, people deserve someone that is willing to fight for you, because at sometime in your life you would want that too. People deserve someone that actually cares to be around  them and take the effort to make them smile. So if your heart breaks the next after you have done this to someone, know that this is exactly how the person felt, time after time, person after person, ex after ex, and you told her to just "move on".

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