Sunday, October 13, 2013

The ribbon tied blessing

As otday is another brick on the wall to building it right back up as soon as it shattered to the ground. I realised that for so long I have been trying to make sense of my failures and short comings. Yet today I realized that the best decisions that you could ever make are the ones that do not make sense; no logical reason what so ever sometimes.

 So do not worry if you're heart is on your sleeve, or if your heart is drunk and like a kid. If you want something, it won't be easy, it may sometimes feel like things won't come through, but it is when you are at your hardest that if you follow through, things come through. I witnessed the best and worst week today and I was blessed to know that I got an amazing support system.

The best thing to witness is when you are down in the dumps, feeling like you just want to kick the bucket and then someone comes up to you and says you changed their life for the better. I guess for me knowing that lives can be changed by a slight effort of taking time to listen to them and empathizing with them is a huge impact on the way I treat people close to me. I close myself up to people close and just be a shoulder to lean on, but as I start to open up, I see that people actually care more than you think.

I spent one of my best days today devoting my time and just in adoration of our loving Mother, and I realized I cannot be stressing myself on things I cannot change. I cannot worry if someone does not feel the same way I feel or no longer does for it is not my battle to fight but that person's.You just be the best damn person you can, and that is if you wear your heart on your sleeve then go ahead and wear it out! Your life is yours and no one else's.

I realized that yes I may be a total emotional wreck and a crazy maniac, I am clumsy and a nuisance you can love me and hate me at the same time and I am as flabby as an obese whale could be, but my heart is pure and I can bet you a million bucks from now till the day I die that there wont be anyone that could love someone as well as I can. In an imperfect package comes a package that is perfect, but during delivery it was thrown around, and dented at the sides, but if you open it up, it is still that same package you were waiting for, sometimes you're whole life.

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